Benevolence, Trucker Style
Within only a couple of weeks of starting Ask A Veteran Driver in June, one of my members had his truck broken into, and everything stolen. Members stepped up and truck gear was replaced so he could get back to making money. Since then, the following are our random acts of charity. Missy LadyTrucker
September, 2014: The World's Largest Convoy! Our Member is holding down the Wisconsin Chapter. Over $600 was raised, and our Scott "Mooncatt" Monroe proudly represented AAVD for the Special Olympics.
August, 2014: This adorable trucker child is one of our Members' daughter. Hannah suffers from a rare syndrome that causes multiple daily seizures, and she had to be admitted for long-term care. Well, we felt that she needed a Kindle to keep her and her service doggie Lucy occupied. I hoped she liked pink for the cover, and I was right. Get Well Hannah! Your Dad's Trucker Family Loves You Honey!
June 2014: AAVD Members help a fellow Member who is also a
Military Veteran through a
rough patch and paid
his cell bill for a few

Update as of Nov. 2015: Ashley, David and Mackenzie, isn't she the spitting image of her daddy!
June 2014: AAVD Members learn of the tragic murder of our brother Michael Boeglin, and reached out to the family.
The GoFundMe created by David Clark (Ashley's father), after he and I spoke raised over $12,000.00 Ashley's baby is due in November, and mother and baby are healthy as of this writing
After Michael's funeral, David asked if I would organize a Memorial Convoy in Michael's hometown Ferdinand, Indiana. On July 11, 2014 the Convoy rolled through. A video can be found on our community page\askaveterandriver.